
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Seriously right?!

Claire's Par-tay

Monday, March 26, 2018
Ready to see some more of the 4th Birthday Winter Olympics- Texas style?

"Downhill Skiing"


"Ski Jump"

"Ice Hockey" (popsicle sticks with in ice cube puck)

I will have to say, Gigi nailed the Rainbow Cake request!

Love it.

There were so many great helpers!

Chick-Fil-A nuggets and cake= happy littles

Claire you are such a special girl! Can we be best friends forever and ever? :)

Claire's 4th Bday

Sunday, March 25, 2018
Claire had a "Olympic Games" 4th birthday at our house a few weekends ago. Ross had each Olympic event queued up for the kiddos on the TV so they could see what sport they were about to play. Except it was the Winter Olympics, and we live in Texas. Minor adjustments were needed :)

Buddies in pink: Victoria, Claire, and Emma. 

Event 1: Torch Relay. Ice cream cones filled with Cheetos. Run as fast as you can while holding the cone above your head and tag the next persons hand. Then you can eat your Cheetos. 

Pop Pop AND Cousins!

I'm sure more birthday pictures will be featured on the blog this week!


Wednesday, March 21, 2018


No Training Wheels

Monday, March 19, 2018
Big moment at our house a couple weeks ago- Claire is riding her bike without training wheels! They came off the week before her 4th birthday, at her request. 

Claire is doing great, but she's had a couple small spills when coming to a stop so she's not as enthusiastic about riding her bike as she was before. We definitely need to work on braking when stopping :) Claire got a new scooter for her bday and that's been getting the majority of the play time attention.

GO Claire GO!

Paella on the Grill

Sunday, March 18, 2018
It's been awhile since we made a meal that took 2+ hours to prep, prepare, cook, etc. (I know you know this due to lack of food recipes on the blog...)

Anyway with our new outdoor grill, Ross has had the itch to make a grilled paella. It meant that I had to watch the girls for awhile, but it was worth it :)

The finished paella was beautiful with Scallops, Chicken, Shrimp, and Chorizo buried in rich saffron rice with peas and red bell peppers. I would post the recipe but Ross combined a couple from Cook's Illustrated to come up with this one.

I hope we can make it again soon!

Lunch with pop pop

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Getting pictures like this makes me so happy:

Pop pop picked Claire up from skoool for a special lunch date, complete with smoothie and cheesey sandwich. 


Rainy Weekends

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
So we went through a good 6 week stretch where it was fairly pretty weather during the week days, but then would storm the whole weekend. It was so frustrating! So after Week 3 you start getting creative how to halfway get the kids outside when they're stir crazy. I'm so thankful for the covered garage area we have during rainy weekends. We can just pull out a table for the girls and grab their craft of choice. Play dough is normally the winner but you really have to watch that little one; she makes a pretend cookie and the next thing you know she's eating it also.

Squirrel watching with Daddy


Daylight Savings

Monday, March 12, 2018
Daylight Savings Time (DST) is generally no fun, but it takes on a whole new meaning with kids. For real. I was so annoyed last night/this morning I looked up the history of DST and why it exists. From what I can tell, there isn't a clear answer.

So let's just get rid of it ok?


Little Bon Bon

Sunday, March 11, 2018
Paige Renae is becoming a super fun little person with her own very unique personality.
*P tries to repeat pretty much any word she hears; my current favorites are Helicopter and Squirrel.
*Paige actually stamped her leg at me when she got mad earlier this week.
*She loves music and dancing.
*Paige is our cuddle baby. She wants to be held as much as possible and regularly gives hugs and kisses (which is why I was sick for a month straight, I'm sure)
*Epic Smiles.
*Loves Play time with Sister. Imitates Claire's every move
*Always asks to go outside to play
*Enjoys walking around with the iPad saying "cheese"

20 Months old looks good on your Paige!

Ross turns 36

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Happy Birthday Ross Huebel!

In honor of the special birthday boy, here's a look back at some previous Birth days :) Last year was pretty epic...

28 at the lakehouse
29 Iditerod
30 7 days of presents
31 Snow Machines
32 Claire Hijacks Ross's Birthday Forevermore
33 Claire's Birthday
34 25 weeks pregnant with P
35 Surprise Trip to NAPA

This is what Ross got this year...

Aww yes, a Cabela's 80 can cooler. The girls were kind of amazed with it.

On a more serious note, the girls are so lucky to have this man as their Daddy!



Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I have been in pursuit of a pull up for years. It has gotten close at times, but when life deals you a baby and you bench the idea for a bit. Anyway I can say now that I can do a pull up from complete hanging position. This is BIG (to me) :)

I did a unassisted pull-up today, YAAAAS!


Monday, March 5, 2018
Claire story tonight:

C- "Mommy your boss's name is Chris. Maybe you are my boss?"
(My boss actually is named Chris; I was completely surprised Claire knew this because I don't talk work stuff that much. or do I?)


C- "Mom are you the boss or is Dad the boss of me?"
Me- "Both of us are your boss baby"


C- "No, you're not the boss of me!"

This. Is. Four.

Claire turns FOUR!

Sunday, March 4, 2018
Happy Birthday Claire Avery Huebel!! Claire is getting bigger, stronger, smarter, and faster each and everyday. I just love hanging out with this girl, Mini-me and best friends.

Pick me to be your mommy Claire!


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