Number 14

Sunday, April 14, 2013
Everyone has favorite numbers right? I mean, if you bought a lottery ticket, what would your number? Let's take Ross, he likes the number "63" because it was the number on his football jersey. Me, I like the number "26" because it's even digits and it's also the day I was born.  

But, there has always been one number that's been off limits my whole life simply because it's already taken. You see, the number 14 and my dad have a close connection. Dad's birthday is on April 14th (HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!), but 14 comes up in so many other places too... There is always 14 people in line at the grocery, 14 cookies left over, 14 things to do, 14 letters to mail, 14 flavors at the ice cream shop, 14 cars in line at the toll, etc. When I was younger, I actually thought that Dad counted and that it was merely coincidental that it always came out to 14. Then when I got older and realized it was Dad's go-to number for everything, I started double checking. And folks, you'd be surprised how often Dad is spot on with the 14. 

Here's some typical things Dad would say: "I'd like to order the number 14, curry chicken please", "Miss Liz, I'm rider number 414 in the MS 150 this year", "I'm sitting in 14A on the plane home", "Miss Liz, guess what floor my new office is on?? the 14th. Tee hehe" 

It's funny how that works, right?

Anyhow, it's probably spring time for most of you-- but not here in Alaska. I'm really hoping spring is on the way because 17 degrees seems a little cruel for April...

Grilling in April, no big deal.

3 years ago: Nacho Burger
2 years ago: Whale of a Tale
1 year ago: iPhone Candids

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