Got my Sparkle Back!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
So maybe you've noticed that I haven't been wearing my engagement ring the last 4 months? Or maybe you haven't...

Somehow I knocked my diamond just right on the corner to cause a fracture to propagate through the stone. I'm not a geologist here, but up until this point I had thought nothing could hurt a diamond. I mean come on, "Diamonds are Forever", right?

Well the saying "he went to Jared's" actually has merit. Because once it was determined that my ring was only a couple weeks out of the warranty (it has to get inspected every 6 months or the warranty is voided) Jared's completely replaced my diamond, free of charge. 

I'll take it. 

And now I'm married again... I'm sure Ross is relieved. ha.  :)


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