We're BACK!

Monday, September 28, 2015
Ross and I are home from España! We had a great 10-day Spanish getaway, but we were really missing baby girl by the end. We flew into Barcelona, then flew to Seville, took a train to Cordoba, and the train to Madrid. Our favorite city was Barcelona, with just the right blend of mountains, ocean, things to do, and sights to see.

Here are two funny moments from the trip:

1. I tried to ask the lady behind the counter what flavor a certain gelato was (in Spanish) and instead I asked her what time it was. It was slightly embarrassing but mostly just made me laugh.

2. We signed up to do a walking tour of Seville our first morning and the instructions were to meet in the lobby at 10:30. I ran to the restroom and Ross went to find the tour group. When I came back to the lobby I see a sea of grey haired people with Ross right in the middle. Then the tour leader says, "Does everyone have their headset?" and Ross says "No, I need 2 headsets" and the lady says "Umm, sir I think you're in the wrong group." We didn't realize there were multiple tour groups meeting in the lobby.

Pictures to come soon! I'll be returning to regular blog posting next week, October 5!

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