List of Favorite Places

Monday, October 12, 2015
What's on your list of favorite places?

After coming home from Spain I've been thinking more about where I've been and where I'd like to go. Coincidentally enough I ran across Iguazu Falls in an old blog post from 5 years ago. To date, it is one of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world I've ever seen.

Read about Iguazu Falls in October 10, 2010 blog post here.

The magnitude of the falls, hundreds and hundreds, combined with the different vantage points- up at the top and down at the bottom of the falls made this a truly unforgettable experience.

I also got bite by some weird jungle bug and thought I was going to have to go to an emergency clinic, but I didn't, and it all worked out fine but it's still in my memory right next to those falls... funny how that works.

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