2 Years Without Lee

Monday, November 9, 2015
Today marks 2 years since Dad (Lee) Huebel passed away. 

Please take a minute to re-read this old post: Tribute to Lee Huebel

2 year reflections: 
Admittedly, I find it harder to recall special memories of Lee with the vividness that I once remembered them. In those times, I am so thankful for this blog, this journal through our lives. I'm able to go back in time and conjure up pictures, which help keep things more fresh. 

For me personally, parenting is where I feel Lee's loss most acutely. Now that I'm a parent not only do I have a deeper understanding of the two-way love between a parent and a child, but I also understand how it becomes three-way love with grandparent, parent, and child.  This bond is why I long for Claire to know Lee, not just know about Lee. But life happens. And now it is up to us to make sure that Claire understands what an incredible man her grandfather was.

Our world changed when Lee Huebel died and there will always be a gap where he should be, but isn't. We continue to keep on keep'in on, but it's just not the same without Dad Huebel.

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