The Why Phase

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
We've entered the toddler "Why Phase." I knew it would come,  I just didn't realize how much it would test my patience.

Me: "Can you take your shoes off Claire"
C: "Why Mom?"

Me: "Finish your dinner and you can have a treat"
C: "Why?"

Me: "Don't kick your sister please"
C: "Why Mom?"

It doesn't stop even when you try to answer the Why questions with non-Why-able answers. Here's a real life scenario, for illustration purposes:

Me: "Can you help me put these groceries away?"
C: "Why Mom?"
Me: "Because they need to stay cold in the refrigerator"
C: "Why?"
Me: "You don't want the ice cream to melt do you?"
C: "But why you not put the tomatoes in there too Mom?
Me: "Because they don't have to be cold"
C: "Why Mom?"
Me: "Ummm because tomatoes like it on the counter"

Now it's usually at this juncture where one of three responses can occur:
1. "Oooh" (My favorite)
2. "Why?" (I'm slowly going to go crazy)
3. "I don't want them on the counter! I want them in the fridge! NO MOOOOOOOM! I don't want nothing! You not being good Mom. I'm going to put you in the brown chair." (And a tantrum meltdown ensues)

I can tell Claire is just inquisitive; genuinely curious to know all the answers, so I don't want to ignore her.  But at the same time I don't want to lose my sanity. I do try and turn around the "Why" questions on her when I can, but she usually says "No mom, you tell me". haha.

 All in all, I know it's an important developmental stage, I just hope it doesn't last any longer than it needs to.

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