Powerful Words

Monday, February 12, 2018
I'll be the first to admit I'm new to Instagram. And I'm really only on there for the photo filters and because my cousin Courtney says I need to be. I don't post many things myself and just learned about "stories" which are essentially video collages available for 24 hours only. 

Anyway Courtney added some people I needed to "follow" on Instagram, including poet Nayyirah Waheed. And this gal is talented. Sometimes I feel like she is talking to me. For example:

do not disrespect your heart. by hearing what it needs. and giving it the opposite. 


some words build houses in your throat. and they live there. content and on fire.

Her words are so powerful in an understated sort of way. I really enjoy getting my daily fix of poetry. and hope you will too!

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