Paige Renae

Monday, July 30, 2018
Paige is not so little anymore. She's outgrowing her clothes and trying to copy big sister at every turn.   When I put her down for bed she now says "Goodnight Momma". Such a special little one!


July on LBJ

Sunday, July 29, 2018
Our weekend trip to the lake house is complete! The car ride (and other lake activities) are getting easier now that baby Paige is a bit older. P kept asking for “wheels on the bus",  but you can only listen to that so many times on a 3.5 hr car ride... Paige also came down with pink eye but thankfully the doctor called in a prescription; it cleared up drastically after a day. 

How about that red moon on Friday night?!

Pink Eye

Trip Home


Claire Bear

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Ready for this big girl to come home from Granna/Cousin Camp to her Mommy and Daddy!


Granna Camp

Monday, July 23, 2018
Claire is at Cousin/Granna camp this week and based on the iCloud pictures I'd say they're having a pretty fabulous time!

"Acts of Kindness" Reward cards

Next year Paige Renae!

Roma’s (other) Toe

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Welp Roma’s done it again.

Roma fractured, ummm shattered?, her toe in 4 pieces while playing fetch. She even wanted to keep playing afterwards. Her toe is the size of Texas and unfortunately there’s nothing that can be done because it’s a toe. Roma is likely done with fetch after this injury :( If you noticed on the x-ray she only has 3 toes on this foot due to a precious fetch-related injury while in Alaska, which ultimately resulted in removal of the toe. So she needs this toe for stability. We go back to vet in 6 weeks to see how it’s healing. Meanwhile Roma is on bed rest. She loves that... 



Sunday, July 15, 2018
Just washing some cars on a super hot Texas summer day!

The cuteness though?!

Ranch house progress

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Check out the latest ranch house progress pictures. y'all it looks like a house!!


July 4th Parade

Tuesday, July 10, 2018
We've had so much improvement in our parade marching abilities over the years! I mean look at this smile?!

Paige wasn't able to attend due to a nasty ear infection but something tells me she might not have been as enthusiastic about the marching (away from mom) part.

Paige's 2nd Bday, at the Lake

Monday, July 9, 2018
We celebrated Paige's Second Birthday at the Lakehouse this year. Cousins were even able to join us for a day. The weather was sunny and hot and the girls enjoyed the pool and lake time thoroughly. Hoping we'll have a big girl swimmer at this time next year.

My "crew" all in one picture :)


Baking Cookies

Sunday, July 8, 2018
Best quote to sum up this baking experience "Girls, are you baking cookies or eating cookies?".

Paige started screeeeeaming when it was time to put the cookies in the oven. #MommysGirl

July 4th Repost

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Happy 4th of July errrr'one!!

This is a REPOST of last years July 4th blog post just because, well it makes me laugh--

July 4 2017:
Celebrating July 4th in years past usually included fireworks, but this year we were in bed by 9. Guess that's what happens when you're in the 7:30 bed time zone with the littles?? I'm not complaining, I'm exhausted and not much of a night owl.

We had so much fun hanging out with cousins and family. Here's some highlights:
*Claire had her first slumber party with cousins at Granna's house. Except there was not much of the "slumber" part so Claire had to go into her own bed/room. Next time...
*Ross made Thomas Keller's fried chicken
*Paige took 12 steps all by herself!
*I drank wine and didn't have to worry about feeding a baby
*Claire can jump into the pool with her feet first now (not a belly flop!) and put her head under
*Paige has been waving and saying "bye"

Some Sound Bytes (aka eavesdropping) :
*Claire- "I'm a big girl", Madison- "But I'm older than you Claire", Claire- "But we're BOTH older than Ali"
*"I'm not your cousin anymore"
*"Granna when is the slumber party?" -says Claire while she's in the dark with Granna and cousins during the slumber party
*"You're my best friend"
*"Good job Gigi, I like this dinner"
*"I'm not your friend mom. I'm not going to dream about volleyball"
*"Ok I'm going to ask my mom"- says Claire after Daddy says no to something
*"Mommy...Daddy... there's a snake in my bed!!!!" -Claire woke up screaming from bad dream coincidently she had just watched Pet movie with mean snake

July 4th Holiday weekend iphone pictures:

And July 4th from years past, via Timehop:

At the lakehouse


Claire's first boat ride

Couple that hikes together...


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