Ground Hog Day

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I have a funny story to share... This morning Ross's alarm went off and he got out of bed and started his daily routine, which begins with ironing his shirt. I'm confused because my alarm always goes off before Ross's (it takes me a little bit longer to get ready). I look over at my clock and see its 4:50 am, but Ross normally wakes up at 5:50... Hmmm. I go to the kitchen just to make sure my clock is right and yeppers, still 4:50. I ask Ross what he's doing and he has no idea what I'm talking about. Long story short, when setting his alarm last night Ross accidently moved the clock ahead an hour. :) In retrospect it's a pretty good story, but it wasn't so funny at 4:50 this morning.

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