Banana Bread

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ross and I got Dad a subscription to Cooks Illustrated, one of our favorite recipe resources, for his birthday. A couple months went by and there was a bit of discussion about the recipes that looked good, but we hadn't really heard about any food that tasted good as a result. Well, until Saturday. The Cook's Illustrated Banana Bread pushed Dad over the edge. Talking about the recipe was just not going to cut it. And that leads us to a Huebel Hammock first-- a guest contributer!!

Quite the professional touch with the ring of bananas around the top, don't you think? Bravo Dad. Bravo. I wish I could have been a fly on the kitchen wall, spying on Dad while he was baking.

Overall, the parents gave positive reviews. It sounded like a dense, richer banana bread based on the fact they skipped dinner. MMM... Warm, fresh baked bread. They should make a Yankee Candle scent of THAT smell. I really want a piece right now. I guess I'll just have to make it for myself :)

Thanks for pictures Dad!

1 comment

  1. Looks amazing! Way to go Dad A! I told Robby last night I needed to use the bananas in our freezer... maybe I will use the CI recipe :) I would LOVE a piece right now too!


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