Hump Day

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A couple random thoughts for you today:

1. Top Chef:
It may be my favorite show EVER. It makes the Wed humpday ho hums just disappear. Hmm, I am hesitant to say my most favorite ever, but definitely my favorite show since being married. It's one of the rare shows that Ross and I BOTH like. Our other favorites include The Office, 30 Rock, Modern Family, and Arrested Development. Movie selection is another problem spot. Sometimes it's a battle over the Netflix que.

2. Holly Yashi:
I stumbled upon this line of jewelry, made in California, while I was searching for a birthday present for my mom. Needless to say, I'm hooked. Mom got a little Holly Yashi package in the mail... and so did I. Happy Birthday Mom! and Congratulations Self! No, that just doesn't have the right ring to it...  ooh I know, it's a "just because" gift. perfect. Why? Just because.

3. Snoring
Why do people snore? Especially spouses? and dogs?

4. Movie Reviews
"Brothers"- It's now out on DVD. Jake Gyllenhall, Natalie Portman, and Toby McGuire. Don't let the big name actors fool you, this movie was awful and should be seen by NO ONE!
"Sex and the City-PT 2"- Saw it in the theater with my friend Dre last week. I didn't love it, but I liked it a lot. It was right on par with the first movie, perfect excuse for a girls night. Nothing will replace the ingenuity of the TV show.

A couple other movies we've enjoyed lately are Precious, Crazy Heart, Sherlock Holmes, and Gone Baby Gone.

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