Breakfast Bliss

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
There are breakfast eaters and non breakfast eaters. I definitely fall in the latter category. Breakfast is mandatory. Hungry Liz is a grumpy Liz. I think back on breakfasts as a kid and a couple distinct ones come to mind.
* First and foremost, belgian waffles. I'm really not sure when this tradition kicked off, but Dad would make us belgian waffles on saturdays. It got to the point where Jeffrey and I each got a turn picking the color of the waffles. I would usually go with something simple like "green", but Jeffrey had a habit of using a drop of every food coloring. No bueno. His waffles would always turn out an ugly brown color. I guess Jeff's art teacher never gave him the color wheel talk.
* The always dependable pop tart was my breakfast of choice, until I learned what calories were. I also learned that just because there are 2 of something in a package, it doesn't mean you have to eat them both.
* Strudel's. Remember Pillsbury toaster strudel's? Each one came with a little packet of icing for decorating. I loved strudel decorating. The most frustrating thing was when you went to separate 1 icing packet from all the others and it ripped a hole in the side of another. *Le Sigh*. "I GUESS I can eat 2 icing packet's today." :)
* Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Best-Cereal-EVER. Enough Said.
* I went through a bagel phase in high school, but once I had an Einstein Bagel, I couldn't go back to Sara Lee. Einstein's cinnamon raison bagel smothered with strawberry cream cheese spoiled me forever.
* There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, that I started every morning with 2 Eggo waffles topped with almond butter or jelly (or both). This ritual lasted until the toaster ovens were taken away from the kitchen at the office. Apparently they weren't on building managements list of approved electrical devices. I tried to improvise, but I just couldn't handle the soggy Eggos that the microwave produced. Unacceptable.

So you might be wondering what I eat for breakfast NOW? During the week it's always Greek yogurt, blueberries, Splenda, chia seeds, and walnuts. Portable and delicious every time. However, on the weekends I like to get a little more adventurous. I also like to make things that Ross enjoys eating too.  For example Dorie's Oatmeal Breakfast Bread and Great Grains Muffins.
Oatmeal Breakfast Bread. Topped with a crusty layer of brown sugar, cinnamon, and pecans.
Ross Quote: "This might be my favorite breakfast bread you've ever made". He has spoken.
Great Grains Muffins made with dried cranberries. Good, but couldn't stand up to the Oatmeal bread.

I'm thinking about breakfast already.

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