Emily's Baby Shower aka Asher is A'coming!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Last month Mom Huebel and a couple of her friends threw Miss Emily (Ray) Hardin a beautiful baby shower. The decor, the food, and the fellowship was top notch, but my trip to South America delayed my pictures. Emily and Van will be welcoming a baby boy, named Asher, in December!
These are the ORIGINAL cake balls, all the way from Alvin TX. Fun to look at and oh so good.
Mom Huebel made these pinwheels: pastry puff, sundried tomato, goat cheese, pine nuts, and pesto.
Hydrangea's are some of my favorite flowers :)
Emily and her Momma.
Ohh Miss Suzie. 
Momma Bear.
Pretty Ladies.

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