House Search

Sunday, December 5, 2010
So we've been trudging through the snow to go look at houses this weekend. It's a much different market than Houston and the prices can be daunting, but we found one we like! We put an offer on the house this morning. Nothing's final yet, but I'll post pictures when we know :)

I got some snow boots today and I had to break 'em in so we went for a walk outside. It was 8 degrees. BRRR. Ross and I got in a snow ball fight, mainly because we could, however we were really really cold after the excitement wore off. Ross was wearing cowboy boots (his warm boots will be coming with our ground shipment). We both decided those probably aren't the best shoes for an Anchorage winter.

A couple other random thoughts...

* Everything at the grocery store is more expensive
* We are going to be at REI a lot while we are here... ski boots, snowboard, goggles, ski shoes, .... the list goes on and on and on.
* People start skiing/snowboarding at the age of 3 or 4. I'm slightly intimidated. I'm going to be the oldest in the beginners class.
* You must always take your shoes off at the front door. It's an unwritten rule.
* Coffee "booths" are everywhere. Little huts just off the road for you to walk up and get your java fix.
* Anchorage turned out to be a WAY bigger town than I thought it was
* You must drive SLOW or you'll slide into a ditch
* It doesn't matter that it's cold here, I'm still eating ice cream for dessert :)

1 comment

  1. So excited to hear about a potential house! It sounds like y'all are having a great time so far in your new town. Romes is almost there (YEAH!!!) and Alaska will never be the same :)
    P.S.- I thought of y'all yesterday when I was watching Sarah Palin's Alaska.
    Texas misses you...


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