Sping Clean

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
When I sold my "Houston Car" and inherited my "Alaska Car" I lost the direct connection to my mp3 player. This may not sound like a big deal, but I'm a music person. And I miss the ability to play music from my iPod in the car,  a lot. Mucho.

After a weekend roadtrip with no music (there's very limited radio reception outside Anchorage), I decided it was time to go dust off my cd's.  It was funny listening to cd's that friends had made me in high school, etc. My how times change! Mariah Carey gets the award for artist with the most cds in my collection. I rediscovered my Matt White Band (my favorite band to go watch in college) cd. Tomorrow is going to be a fun drive to work :)  Nothing like some good music.

Here's today's million dollar question,
Why is spring cleaning called "spring cleaning" anyway? ... Here's what Wikipedia had to say...

In North America and northern Europe, the custom found an especial practical value due to those regions' continental and wet climates. During the 19th century in America, prior to the advent of the vacuum cleaner, March was often the best time for dusting because it was getting warm enough to open windows and doors (but not warm enough for insects to be a problem), and the high winds could carry the dust out of the house. For the same reason, modern rural households often use the month of March for cleaning projects involving the use of chemical products which generate fumes.

March eh? The nice/moderate March weather described above, does not apply to Alaska. I guess I'm right on track then!

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