Snow Machine

Monday, December 5, 2011
The weather in Anchorage was wet, rainy (yes, RAIN), and windy over the weekend, so it was nice to escape to Wasilla for our FIRST snow machine adventure EVER. Our friends Charles and Kelley own 2 snow machines and graciously invited us to go "Putt Around" on Big Lake and the surrounding trails.

FYI, Call'in it snow mobiling rather than machining is the sure fastest way to tell you're new to Alaska. I made that mistake last season. Now I'm down with the lingo.

You want me to get on what?

Suiting up. Includes a skull baklava. Ross?

 Safety First!

Omg, Omg, Omg.

So much easier riding solo.


So to sum up the experience, I'd say we had a great time. The beginner snow conditions and lack of plans were great.
"Let's go this way..."
"Um, Ok. Not like there's anywhere we need to be".

I can also see snow machines being really useful to get to remote cabins that aren't road accessible. 

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