Seafood Cioppino

Monday, January 2, 2012
After ordering Seafood Cioppino in restaurants enough times, I decided it was time to try my hand at it myself. Afterall, we gotta work down a pretty big stock of frozen halibut in our freezer. I picked this Cioppino recipe and made a couple of modifications, mainly because we forgot clam juice at the grocery and I wasn't about to make another trip. We also omitted scallops because they didn't look all that great at the store.

Cioppino is a tomato based seafood stew, best served with crusty bread. This variation was chock full of white flakey halibut, big ole prawns (aka shrimp), white wine, roasted red peppers, tomatoes, and yes-- clams. I consider myself a pretty adventurous eater, but I'm not much for mussels, oysters, or clams-- so I modify. In this case, the modification was that Ross got all my clams. Done.

If you're feeling cold (-5 today!) or you love seafood, then you should try your hand at a cioppino!

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