Green Gremlin

Sunday, February 5, 2012
Well this weekend was pretty much a wash...

A nasty little gremlin got into my sinuses late last week and has definitely overstayed its welcome. I imagine it looks something like the Mucinex guy:

I wonder if famous people get cold/flu bugs also? I mean what would they have given Tom Brady if he was feeling like this yesterday? EXACTLY. I want some of THAT stuff.

Alas, I'm not famous, so I'm utilizing the "Go-to-bed-by-8-and-Eat-an-Orange-Everyday" approach. However, I did find a slightly unorthodox way to clear my sinuses today...

Yep, that's Franks Hot Sauce. And I didn't photoshop my nose- it really does look like Rudolph right now.

Big hopes for tomorrow!

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