Babies, but not mine

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
One of my good buddies just told me she was pregnant, but I forgot to ask for clearance on spilling the beans so she will remain anonymous until farther notice. I know, I know the suspense is killer. The truth is, I had two options in this situation: a) blog like normal and divulge nothing or b) let you know there is something I know that you most likely don't. Now, doesn't option b sound like more fun for me??? :) The best part is how we found out...
John Doe (aka husband of Jane Doe): "Let me go ahead and split this milkshake 3 ways"
To myself: This seems odd, because Ross and I already got a milkshake... wait a minute... maybe... 
Me: "Are you PREGNANT? Are you serious??"

I love it!! I'm so excited!!! More to come!!

I was going to show off my newly organized pantry, but somehow that seems so lame right now. Oh well, I organized my pantry! I knew it was time, when I found 4 cans of PAM opened at the same time...

More organized and more efficient. Perfect.

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