Boys will be Boys

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I don't use our point-and-shoot camera too much anymore, so when I saw it sitting on the counter I was a bit curious what Ross had used it for... then I remembered he took it out to the ranch a couple weeks ago. Ross and Adam had a work weekend out at the ranch. Yes, in the middle of the summer, in south Texas, they were doing projects in the heat. They also rented heavy machinery, and boys will be boys, so I knew the pictures were gonna be good. They did not disappoint.

Adam working away, drilling fence post holes into ROCK.

Here's the pictures I was expecting to see...

And that's a wrap! As I was looking through the photos, Ross pointed out that the cow is on the OUTSIDE of the feeder's pen in this last picture.  SOOOO funny. I think it was a lot of hard work, but I know that had a good time too :)

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