Low Country

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Oh Charleston, how I love Thee... I've had an especially great time visiting my parents this weekend. Of all the places they've lived, Charleston is one of my favorites. "Low Country" is its own world, one that I've not experienced before. Here's an example, from a neighbors backyard party.

Liz: "I'm getting bit by something!!"
Neighbor Lady: "NoSeeUms"
Liz: "I don't see any mosquitos"
Neighbor Lady: "NoSeeUms"
Liz: "Yes, I don't see them"
Neighbor Lady: "No. You're getting bit by the No-See-Ums. Little gnats that just bite and hold on"
Liz: "Funny I never learned about those in biology."
Neighbor Lady: "They're only in Charleston"
Liz: "Should have known"

Shrimp and grits, low humidity, colorful houses, woven baskets, proximity to the ocean, and the good ole southern hospitality are a couple other redeeming qualities of Charleston :)

Here are a couple pictures from the Easter service...

The Lord has Risen!

Jetting back to Houston tomorrow. Lots more pictures to come :)

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