Hairy Visitor

Monday, February 14, 2011
I got a text message from a neighbor on Saturday morning. Here's what it said:

"Look out your window. There's a moose in your front yard!"

Umm ok. I'm pretty sure I had been sitting right in front of the window for about 30 min, oblivious. I peeked out the blinds. Here's what I saw...

Looking right at me... *Munch Munch Munch*

Goodbye tree.

I snuck to the front door for a clearer picture.

So massive! Wouldn't want to cross him in a dark alley.

Kidding aside, my boss struck a moose on his way to work on Friday. The collision itself would have been a lot worse if he didn't have a big 'ole truck. It didn't end well for the moose :(

You really have to keep your eye open for moose AND give them their space... even when devouring your tree.


  1. Looks to me like "she" is carrying and will have a calf or two in the spring... Great pics Liz!!!

  2. Holy cow, errr moose! That will be sure to wake you up in the morning. Did Romes go crazy when she saw it?


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