Thermostat Wars

Thursday, February 10, 2011
I find that generally people can be grouped into two categories: 1. Warm blooded people and 2. Cold blooded people. The warm blooded folks just never seem to get cold. Those are the kids at school wearing shorts and flip flops when it's below 50 outside. The cold blooded people on the other hand, are the ones that have poor circulation and can never seem to get warm. They tend to carry around a light jacket for unpredictable restaurant air conditioning  blasts... and they usually wear socks to bed...

By some law of physics, you always marry the opposite type of person. And that leads to many a discussion. Many. Including the set point of the thermostat...

Short Story: Couple moves to Anchorage. It's very cold there. They buy new digital thermostats for the old house they move into. Wife thinks the new thermostats are mainly for aesthetics and easy to control. Husband thinks the new thermostats are for higher efficiency-- especially to see how low the set point can be left during the work day for maximum savings. Husband programs thermostats and leaves house at 60 during the day. Husband leaves for overnight trip. Wife comes home to 60 deg house a couple days in a row. Wife discovers the time on thermostats is incorrect and heat not kicking on correctly. Wife changes settings but baseboard heating is slow to react. Wife sleeps with flannels, socks, track jacket, 2 blankets, and a Weimaraner to stay warm. The END.


1 comment

  1. Good thing you have that cute Weim :)
    Stay warm Liz and Rossy don't freeze out my friend. She can't stay warm in the 'portal' with you!


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