Roma's summer time

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Roma loves (I mean LOVES) Alaska about 6 months of the year. The crisp cool air, hiking with mom and dad, going to the pup park once a week, cabin trips, backyard BBQ's, play dates with her friends, etc. We hear the first snow (that sticks) will arrive around Halloween. Roma is NOT looking forward to this. Snow is not her favorite.

We came home and found Roma sunning herself in the backyard.

We had an action packed weekend, of which I'll be posting pictures throughout the week.  Here's a sneak peak... More to come!

1 comment

  1. I very much impressive to read about Roma's summer time and get useful information about this. I will go to bookmarking this summer time .I wish more people would like this that are really fun to read.


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