
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Halloween is definitely not my favorite holiday (if you can call it that), but I enjoy people watching for sure. We had so many kids come to our door, we ran out of candy after half an hour. It was snowing like crazy, so the parents would drive the kids from house to house. Such an "Alaska Thing" to do. Roma (bumble bee) was disturbed by the incessant doorbell ringing, but she finally caught on to "SIT" and "STAY" then she was a good girl.

Beekeeper with his Bees.


Pottery Night

Sunday, October 30, 2011
Last week Jolin hosted a pottery night at Color Me Mine studio, a place where you decorate ceramic pottery and leave it for them to glaze and fire for you. Then, they call you and you go pick up the finished product. I think the best part is that you can get in touch with your creative side and there's NO clean-up involved! (Oh, and you can bring your own wine. That's definitely a perk).

Putting the base coat on my mug.

Jolin's "Palm Spring Honas Thanksgiving" plate. She swears she's gonna fly it down for the holidays.

Liz made a cute lil owl ornament. 

Heading out and leaving my painted mug behind to be glazed and fired by the experts. My hands were covered with paint!

At the table next to us there was remains of a little girl party. Lot's of pottery waiting to be finished.

Pottery was a nice change from the usual Excel spreadsheets I stare at all day. I think mid-week gossip, wine, and creativity might need to be on a more regular rotation!

Smokey Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Do you like to eat soup when it's cold outside? Do you have a bunch of sweet potatoes on your counter that need to be used? Is your favorite color orange? Thing for bacon?

Whatever the reason, you should make this soup because it's really good. Even if you can't think of a reason, you should still make it. It's Yum. For real.

Smoky Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup
Recipe taken from THIS blog.

2 strips applewood bacon, diced small
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium bulb shallot
2 medium leeks, wash and sliced
½ medium onion, roughly chopped
2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon crushed (or ground) coriander seed
1 teaspoon cumin 
1 medium apple, seeded and chopped, I used a Gala apple but Braeburn, Honey Crisp or Granny Smith would work as well
½ pound carrots, roughly chopped
2 large, about 2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
2 quarts low sodium chicken broth
½-1 medium canned chipotle chile in adobo sauce, use these judiciously, they are quite hot and spicy, you might want to start with a half, taste and add more if desired - if you don't like things spicy at all, just leave them out
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
fresh mozzarella balls, for floating on the top
fresh chives or parsley, for garnish
toasted salted sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, for garnish

1. Sauté bacon in a large pot until most of the fat has been rendered and bacon is golden and crispy. Remove bacon, drain on a paper towel and set aside.

2. Add garlic, leeks, shallots, onion and ginger, coriander and cumin to the bacon fat and sauté on medium-low until translucent, about 4-5 minutes. Add apple, sweet potatoes, carrots and broth and simmer, uncovered, until all veggies are very tender, about 35-40 minutes.

3. Add chipotle and puree, using a stick blender or regular blender. If using a regular blender, let it cool a bit and then blend in batches. (For safety, remove cap from hole in lid, and cover with a dish towel or several thicknesses of paper towel to prevent splattering.) Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

4. Garnish with fresh mozzarella. I like to use the little balls of fresh mozzarella (one per serving unless you have the teeny tiny ones, then use 2-3 per bowl) - I put them on a dinner plate and partially melt them in the microwave (just 8-10 seconds) before floating them on top of the soup. Sprinkle the chives, sunflower seeds and reserved bacon on top of the melted cheese.

Spooky Bake Night

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
In preparation for Halloween and an upcoming birthday, Kirsty and I decided to have our first ever Bake Night. We made cut out sugar cookies topped with royal icing: Ghosts, pumpkins, and cats.. Oh MY!!

We also made german chocolate cupcakes, hollowed out and filled the a coconut custard and topped with a dark chocolate fudge frosting. Hands down, these were the most complex cupcakes that I'd ever been a part of. But they tasted so delicious. Ross LOVES german chocolate cake, and these cupcakes got his seal of approval. So they must be good right?!

We were in the kitchen for 4+ hours, but I failed to snap pictures of all the action because yes, we were just that busy. Around midnight, Kirsty's sugar levels were getting low so she took a quick shot-- of chocolate fudge frosting?! Classic. They don't show you THAT on Food Network now do they?

Holy Frosting.

I think I need a cupcake.


Sleepy in Seattle

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I have a confession. Last night, I feel asleep mid-blog. I woke up with an open laptop sitting next to me and no recollection of what I wrote about. Whoopsie. Hence, the abnormally late post.

So here are the lost pictures which I meant to include in the Seattle post...

We ate at a little hole in the wall sandwich shop called Salumi. It was started by Mario Batali's father. Our sandwiches were quite possibly the best we'd ever had. And for Ross, that is a LOT of sandwiches!!! 
Ross's Muffalata

My meatball sandwich. Ahhh Mazing!

We spent the morning strolling around the sculpture garden, right on the water. We took a 1 hr tour which really helped us understand the artists, sometimes abstract, motive.

Aluminum Tree, complete with birds.

Called "The Wave." It was probably our favorite exhibit. You really have to be right up close to get the feel of the large pieces. 

The famous Seattle "Eagle." Do you see an Eagle? I had trouble with that one.

Doesn't everyone need a smooch at the top of the space needle?

I could really go for some Seattle food right now. Peroshky anyone?

Seattle, WA

Monday, October 24, 2011
At long last, here are pictures of our trip to Seattle a couple weekends ago...

I wanted to take all the Heirloom tomatoes and fresh produce home with me.

At a Mediterranean restaurant, Lola's, we got a flight of dipping sauces for the fresh baked naan. So good! The sauce on the left was blue cheese and something and it was the favorite!

Kaity and Hunter

The ladies.

This bakery in Pike's Place Market takes breakfast to a new place-- a very good place.

Making the next batch of deliciousness.

 Behold! They're kinda like a Russian Kolache. Ross got a smoked salmon peroshky and they shaped it like a fish! My favorite was the beef and cheese by far!

Chowing Down.

Standing in the oldest remaining Starbucks. I think my pumpkin spice latte even tasted better because I got it there :)

The Big Reveal!

As of TODAY, our kitchen renovation is COMPLETE!!! This is big news for us, as we began this project in June. As with any home improvement project, there were some snafu's along the way, but it feels so good to be on the otherside with a finished kitchen! Here are some before and after pictures...







It's so nice seeing an idea/concept finally materialize. Here are some old posts about the demolition and the tile work. It was definitely a joint effort between Lowes, us, and a slew of other folks; Ross was the general contractor, aka tile extraordinaire, and I was the designer.

Let's eat!


Full Circle Produce

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
We got our first order of Full Circle produce today! Full Circle is a Farm to Market supplier that is big in Alaska. I wanted to try it out because grocery store produce is so hit or miss around here. When a Groupon for Full Circle came around I went ahead and got so Ross and I could do a trial run.

I found winter squash, kale, red beets, valencia oranges, leeks, gala apples, Italian parsley, Bartlett pears, Eggplant, tomatillos, green leaf lettuce, and flavorich pluots... pluots? what's that? The only thing unaccounted for, is the plum looking fruit, so that must be a pluot. Has anyone ever heard of a pluot before? Welp, my basket taught me something new.

You can get home delivery or you can choose from about 30 locations all over town. I'm just saying... in case you want a pluot too..

2 Peas in a Pod!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I picked Ross up from the airport at 2:30 in the morning. The good news is that Ross is HOME from his trip to the ranch, the bad news is that I've been EXHAUSTED all day. Why is it so hard to get to bed before 10pm these days? Health articles say that you need 8+ hours of sleep, but that definitely doesn't happen every night. I think Roma gets 16+ hours of sleep a day... I'm just saying...

Here's a picture of Ross and I in Seattle last weekend. 

Hoping to post Seattle pictures tomorrow!

Vancouver Le Duex

Monday, October 17, 2011
Vancouver is a really neat city-- it had a good feel too. It's got beautiful geography (like Alaska), but it doesn't snow (not like Alaska). There's numerous places to shop, eat, and go out. It's also a "Green" city with electric buses and Prius taxis. The highlights for me were Stanley Park and Salt, a really neat wine tasting place where we had second dinner :)

Here's more Vancouver pictures from our recent travels...

Overlooking the bridge. This would be a great nighttime shot. Next time...

Maple leaves everywhere!

Stanley Park Tree Huggers.

I wonder how this crept in there? New 4 door Porche. Just because it's beautiful.

Dinner at Chambar.

So Philly has Cheesesteaks and Canadians have Poutine? Yep, fries with cheese and gravy. Read more about it here.  We tried a very modern, upscale take on poutine, served with cilantro, blue cheese, peppercorns, and a balsamic "gravy"

Duck surrounded by gnocchi.

Bison tenderloin. Delish.

The wine tasting place was AMAZING. You get to choose meats, cheeses, and accompaniments from a chalkboard menu. OR you can let the master "pairers" choose the best combinations for you. We had so much fun here! I had a flight of reds and Ross had a flight of ports.

Steam Clock, run on a steam engine!

Great getaway.

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