Bull Moose

Monday, October 3, 2011
Where did Fall go? Wait, what about Summer? I feel like we went straight from Spring to Winter. The snow continues to march down the mountains. It's close to halfway down now... Dun, Dun, Dun, DUUUUUUN. 

Bull Moose like to strut their stuff during this time of year as they look for a mate. Fortunately for us, they like to congregate around Powerline Trail (yep there really is a powerline right down the middle), which is a 15 minute drive from our house. Unfortunately for us, they decided to play hide and seek- we were only able to get pictures from a pretty good distance.

 Powerline Pass.

My buddy, Jolin. Fashion show with my new scarf :)

Jolin & I.

See the moose in the middle there?

There's actually 3 moose in this picture, 1 is hiding behind the tree

The brown landscapes are going to be white soon!

We had some homemade pizza and football after our Hike'N'Chat.  Somehow Ross and Kris dodged a picture. Next time...

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