Icey Sunset

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I think I've mentioned before that I have a thing for sunsets. There's just something about them that draws me in. Maybe that's why I don't have the best vision... Anyhow, we drove out to a little scenic overlook about 5 minutes from our house to capture these pictures of the sun setting over Cook Inlet. It was so cold, but so beautiful. The ice chunks in the water were flowing by us at a pretty good clip, however it's pretty much impossible to capture the feeling with a picture.

We regularly see people ice climbing up faces like this.

I couldn't resist sharing this picture... Here's my complete sunset watching crew:


  1. Liz- Got the link to your blog from Facebook and have enjoyed reading it. Your pictures are amazing! I am trying to cook more so I enjoy reading those posts also. Happy holidays. Diana(Diana Ruth)


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