Tid Bits

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Random Things I learned today:
1. "Who Dat" does not mean "Who's That." Au contrare. When the Saints are headed to the SuperBowl it has a whole new meaning. Read this if you are still lost.
2. What it feels like to julienne 60 bell peppers. Ross and I went over to church after work to help do some veggie chopping for a meal tomorrow. I can't say Ross ever pared and chopped 100 carrots before tonight either... Now we know a) why all the chefs on Top Chef bring their own knives to every competition b) what it feels like to be a sous chef.
3. I took my first picture with my new lens, which arrived today, and got bokeh (blur from shallow depth of field) like never before! I have lots to learn now that I'm trying to use the "manual" settings rather than the "automatic" settings... Miss Texas right here:

4. It is possible for 2 people to oversleep, despite 2 alarms.
5. There are people willing to jump around and stay awake for 46 hours straight to raise awareness and funds to support cancer patients. If you like myself and are not participating in a dance marathon, you can still encourage/support those that are... GO JEFFREY!!
6. If you haven't brushed a puppy's teeth in over a year, they don't respond well to a toothbrush-- even with peanut butter flavored toothpaste.
7. My car has 2 air filters, not just one.
8. I still can't do a pull-up on my own. My goal is 1 real pull-up within the next couple months.
9. Some commuters are unaware that the HOV lane is for "High Occupancy Vehicles" ie, you must have MORE than YOURSELF in the car to be LEGAL, your cell phone doesn't count!
10. Tabasco and Louisiana hot sauce are not the same heat intensity. For example: Do not apply Tabasco liberally to your veggies as you may normally do with Louisiana hot sauce or you will be sorry.
11. Ross's venison roll is still my favorite way to eat venison. Bacon wrapped, stuffed with cheese, roasted bell pepper, and sauteed onion. Hello...

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