Chatty Cathy and the Night Owl

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I never thought I would say it, but I am a morning person. I think it is even more clear that I am NOT a nighttime person, so by default I call myself a morning person. On the contrary, Ross is a night owl. He dislikes waking up more than anyone I've ever met.  This can occasionally cause a minor stress in our relationship. To illustrate my point here's an example. I drink coffee in the morning and get my caffeine rush about the time Ross enters Phase 1 of his awakening. During Phase 1 it is not advisable to strike up a conversation, however I am a Chatty Cathy. Not good. You can imagine my concern when the pup started to show similar tendencies. Here's a typical lazy Sunday kinda afternoon at the Huebel House...

"Go away, I'm trying to take a nap"

This is my new favorite picture. It's got just enough bokeh (background blur) to see Ross sleeping too.
Sleeping with her head up.

BRRR. It's a chilly 32 degrees in Houston. I have the fireplace going, my slippers on, and a good book waiting for me... 

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