New Layout

Sunday, February 14, 2010
I've been trying to find a new layout/format for the blog. What do you think? I'm trying this one out. There's now an embedded search box (top right) to make it easier to find links to previous blog entries/recipes. I can also post larger pictures :) It's a work in progress...

Natalie and Kunal came over for dinner on Saturday. It was a Mexican inspired menu. We had caesar salad, chipotle shrimp, and ancho chili rice all from Rick Bayless's "Mexican Kitchen". We had Dorie's "Grandmother's Apple Pie Cake" for dessert.

The caesar salad was our favorite! It was a homemade dressing with lime zest, Worchestire sauce, sherry vinegar, olive oil, and salt. The croutons were made with fresh sourdough bread, then baked with some garlic infused olive oil. MMM! Dorie's apple pie cake was made with 10 golden delicious apples, raisins, lemon juice, and cinnamon sandwiched between a cake/pie crust. It was a nice change from the normal pie or cake. The leftovers aren't so bad either :)

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