Cook with Liz and Steph Numero Dos

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Menu
Baked Salmon in Foil packets
Gnocchi in Parmesan Cream Sauce
Dorie's Caramel Chocolate Ganache

The Process:
Making Caramel. Get out the candy thermometer Steph!
Dorie's directions were confusing and came with a warning to STAND BACK!
The scene.
Are we doing this right?
Mush caramel into tart crust...
Steaming salmon foil packets.
The white blur is the yummy gnocchi!
Look at the pecan/caramel layer!
Bye Bye.
The consensus:
Parmesan gnocchi- excellent. It wasn't the most healthy dish (ie butter, cream, cheese), but it tasted wonderful. Would definitely make/eat again.
Salmon- the tomato, shallot, lemon sauce that went on top of the salmon was great. I actually think I liked it better before it was cooked. It may have been because I was hungry though. The oregano/thyme was a tad too strong. Perhaps use less of the dried herbs next time? Otherwise, an easy, healthy dish to make. Here's the recipe.
Caramel/Chocolate Tart- my favorite part was the crust. it was a combination of sweet and salty. the chocolate ganache was a bit too strong for me-- so dark, rich, and slightly bitter. the pecan, caramel layer was amazing. I might dream about it tonight...

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